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A Bit About Me

After college, marriage and three children while in my twenties, I entered theological school. Following ordination, I served as a church pastor until my mid-fifties. At that time, I experienced both a personal crisis and a crisis of faith.   I recognize now that  I had been living  too long with a thirst for water from a deeper well.

For several years, while never abandoning the church entirely, I began to explore other traditions, in particular ancient Sumerian and pagan earth-centered practices.   

While it is still the life and ministry of Jesus that forms the basis of  my faith, I now draw also from the  wisdom of these other traditions, particularly those that cherish and honor the earth. In addition, when I learned about the Gnostic teachings and some of the secrets from the first three centuries after Jesus walked the earth, my eyes saw the female face of God for the first time in the Gospel.   

Along with others who walk this path with me, I continue to learn and grow in understanding the ways that the divine essence is manifested in my own life and all around me. In particular, as a grandmother now of eight young people ages sixteen to twenty-two, I believe that this means working to heal the planet, God’s greatest gift, for these precious children, all who come after us and every living thing.